Task 01 机器学习介绍
1 Task01开始啦!
参照开源文档,观看视频 P1-2:机器学习介绍(1天),视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av59538266
机器学习介绍(Introduction of this course)
1. What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is so simple:
- Step 1: define a set of function
- Step 2: goodness of function
- Step 3: pick the best function
- ML Framework:
2. Learning Map
监督学习 (Supervised Learning)
- Regression
Classification (二分类、多分类)
- Linear Model
Non-linear Model
- Deep Learning
- Decision tree
- K-NN
- ......
- Structured Learning
- 半监督学习 (Semi-supervised Learning) (Hard to collect a large amount of labeled data.)
- 迁移学习 (Transfer Learning) (Data not related to the task considered. (Can be either labeled or unlabeled))
- 非监督学习 (Unsupervised Learning)
强化学习 (Reinforcement Learning) (vs. Supervised Learning)
- 如果我今天可以监督学习,其实就不应该做强化学习。
3. AI 训练师
- AI训练师需要为机器挑选合适的model和loss function。不同的model和loss function适合解决不同的问 题。
- 有些模型的最佳化比较困难,例如深度学习,可能会需要有经验的AI训练师来处理。
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LeeML-Notes: https://datawhalechina.github.io/leeml-notes/#/chapter1/chapter1